[Fink-i18n] TRANSLATE: Fwd: [cvs] web/xml/packaging packaging.en.xml, 1.102, 1.103
Daniel Macks
2008-08-27 05:47:44 UTC
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Appears that InstallScript runs before Files in each SplitOff

Index: packaging.en.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/xml/packaging/packaging.en.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.102
retrieving revision 1.103
diff -u -d -r1.102 -r1.103
--- packaging.en.xml 27 Aug 2008 05:20:51 -0000 1.102
+++ packaging.en.xml 27 Aug 2008 05:44:07 -0000 1.103
@@ -3251,10 +3251,14 @@
During the install phase, the <code>InstallScript</code> and
<code>DocFiles</code> of the parent package are executed first.
-Next comes processing of the <code>SplitOff</code> and <code>SplitOff<em>N</em></code> fields. For each such field in turn, the <code>Files</code> command causes the listed files and directories
+Next comes processing of the <code>SplitOff</code> and
+<code>SplitOff<em>N</em></code> fields. For each such field in turn,
+the <code>InstallScript</code> of that field is run, and then the
+<code>Files</code> command causes the listed files and directories
to be moved from the parent's installation directory %I to the
-current installation directory %i. Then the <code>InstallScript</code>
-and <code>DocFiles</code> of the given <code>SplitOff</code> or <code>SplitOff<em>N</em></code> package are
+current installation directory %i. Then the <code>DocFiles</code>
+and other Installation Phase fields of the given <code>SplitOff</code>
+or <code>SplitOff<em>N</em></code> package are
At this time, the <code>SplitOff</code> is processed first (if
