[Fink-i18n] Translate: web/xml/news news.en.xml,1.85,1.86
David R. Morrison
2009-07-26 05:39:46 UTC
Date: July 25, 2009 8:33:34 AM PDT
Subject: [cvs] web/xml/news news.en.xml,1.85,1.86
Update of /cvsroot/fink/web/xml/news
In directory fdv4jf1.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv21046
announce fink core group changes
Index: news.en.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/xml/news/news.en.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.85
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -u -d -r1.85 -r1.86
--- news.en.xml 24 Jul 2008 05:17:29 -0000 1.85
+++ news.en.xml 25 Jul 2009 15:33:32 -0000 1.86
@@ -4,6 +4,28 @@
+ <date>2009-07-25</date>
+ <headline>Fink Core Group changes.</headline>
+ <body>
+ <p>
+The Fink Core Group announces two new members: Alexander Hansen
+and Augusto Devegili (<em>monipol</em>), both of whom have been
very active
+in fink. Please join us in welcoming the new members!
+The Group also announces that Christian Schaeffner has stepped down,
+returning to "ordinary member" status. We thank Christian for his
+on the team over the past several years.
+Members of the Fink project are working hard to provide user support,
+to keep Fink up to date, and to prepare for the upcoming Snow Leopard
+release. More volunteers are always needed, so please consider
+getting involved at some level!
+ </newsitem>
+ <newsitem>
<headline>End of 10.3 support.</headline>
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