[Fink-i18n] [Fwd: [cvs] web/xml/faq faq.en.xml,1.94,1.95]
Alexander Hansen
2009-03-14 15:37:40 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [cvs] web/xml/faq faq.en.xml,1.94,1.95
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 15:08:35 +0000
From: Alexander Hansen <***@users.sourceforge.net>
Reply-To: fink-***@lists.sourceforge.net
To: fink-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Newsgroups: gmane.os.apple.fink.cvs
Followup-To: gmane.os.apple.fink.devel

Update of /cvsroot/fink/web/xml/faq
In directory fdv4jf1.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv5388

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Make method to turn on unstable yet more explicit

Index: faq.en.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/xml/faq/faq.en.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.94
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -u -d -r1.94 -r1.95
--- faq.en.xml 8 Mar 2009 16:24:26 -0000 1.94
+++ faq.en.xml 14 Mar 2009 15:08:33 -0000 1.95
@@ -363,13 +363,45 @@
users like you is what we use to determine if something is
ready for
stable! To find out the maintainer of a package, run <code>fink
- <p><em>New in </em><code>fink-0.26</code><em>:</em> If you run
<code>fink configure</code> one of the questions will ask whether you
want to turn the unstable trees on. You will need to run <code>fink
selfupdate; fink index; fink scanpackages</code> afterward. <em>Note:
</em>you must have either rsync or cvs updating turned on to get new
package descriptions.</p>
- <p>To configure Fink to use unstable when you have an earlier
version of the <code>fink</code> tool than <em>0.26</em>, edit
- <filename>/sw/etc/fink.conf</filename>, add
- and <code>unstable/crypto</code> to the <code>Trees:</code>
line, and
- then run <code>fink selfupdate; fink index; fink
scanpackages</code>. Rsync or cvs updating is required as above.</p>
- <p>Also note, if you don't want to install any more from
unstable than
- your specific package(s) and its (their) dependencies, don't
use the
+ <p>For <code>fink-0.26</code> and later: If you run
+ <code>fink configure</code> one of the questions will ask whether you
+ want to turn the unstable trees on. </p>
+ <p>To configure Fink to use unstable
+ when you have an earlier version of the <code>fink</code> tool than
+ <em>0.26</em>, edit
+ <filename>/sw/etc/fink.conf</filename>, and add
+ and <code>unstable/crypto</code> to the <code>Trees:</code>
+ <p>If you use Fink Commander, then there is a Preference to use unstable
+ packages.</p>
+ <p>None of these options actually download the unstable tree's package
+ descriptions.You'll need to turn on <code>rsync</code> or
+ <code>cvs</code> updating to do this, which is not set up by default
on a new
+ Fink installation. The following command sequence will set you up on
+ a new Fink installation:</p>
+ <codeblock>fink selfupdate</codeblock>
+ <p>followed by</p>
+ <codeblock>fink selfupdate-rsync</codeblock>
+ <p>or</p>
+ <codeblock>fink selfupdate-cvs</codeblock>
+ <p>and then</p>
+ <codeblock>fink index -f
+fink scanpackages</codeblock>
+ <p><em>Note:</em> There are Fink Commander analogs for everything except
+ <code>fink index -f</code>. You will have to use the command line for
+ <p>If you're already set up with <code>rsync</code> or <code>cvs</code>
+ updating, then the following
+ command sequence (or the Fink Commander analogs) will suffice:</p>
+ <codeblock>
+fink selfupdate
+fink index
+fink scanpackages
+ </codeblock>
+ <p>If you're not sure what your update method is, check
+ <code>fink --version</code> in at a command line
+ and see if that mentions <code>cvs</code> or <code>rsync</code>.</p>
+ <p>If you don't want to install any more from unstable than
+ your specific package(s) and its (their) dependencies, (and any
base packages
+ that got updated) don't use the
<code>update-all</code> command until you turn the unstable tree
back off.</p>
